Monday, April 5, 2010

Lil'Bub Bunny

We had such a nice, low-key Easter this year. Here is lil'bub bunny with her Easter basket. She looked like a little princess!

We tried to take a family photo too but that didn't work out so well. Here are the results.

oh well! I did get some darlin' ones of lil'bub with her Nana however...

I was also the Easter party mom at Avery's school, guessed it! more cupcakes!! I'm not sure if those lambs beat the Spider or Turkey cupcakes, but they come close! and they were kinda fun and gooey to eat too.

Now I must attempt to recover from my jellybean overdose. Happens every year!



  1. LOVE the cupcakes (& great holder--- perfect gift for you). Avery looks so pretty in her Easter dress! love the smiles!

  2. Truthfully, I didn't know there was a comment box until I started blogging myself. Sorry! Now I will comment on your posts religiously! ;)
    That first pic of Avery is so cute. Her hair is so bee u tiful!


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