Wednesday, June 24, 2009

No More "No Nap Avery"!!

If you know my lil'bub, then you know that she's not really into naps. It took awhile to convince her to take naps in her crib, and even then, they are usually incredibly short naps. Ever since she was about 6 months old, Avery has taken 30 minute ON THE DOT naps. This has always been just enough time for get absolutely nothing done! Or maybe just enough time to decide what I need to do, but really no time to carry it out. She used to take three of these naps a day, and since she turned one, it's been two naps a day.

But in the last week, the miraculous has started happening...45 minute, 1 hour, and even an hour and 10 minute naps have been occurring! It's like heaven for me. In fact, it's why I have been able to blog more than I even expected. Well, I really should be doing some laundry or thinking about what to make for dinner, but instead I have taken to lounging on the couch and checking my emails and blog instead. But I don't feel guilty! I mean, this has been a non-stop, 12+ hour, messy, stressful job with just TWO THIRTY MINUTE BREAKS for a very long time. Like I said, this new long nap thing is heaven.

I think I should share though, exactly what it takes for a successful Avery nap. I took some pictures today to explain:

Exhibit A: She likes to sleep on her back and she has to be in proximity to her crib mirror toy, which provides endless fun.

Exhibit B: This is her reaction, no joke, when I turn on her musical mobile above her crib (thank you Aunt Ali). She loves to watch and listen.

Exhibit C: Last but not least, Avery has to have her soft giraffe blanket "chewie" and then she is good to go.

It is with these components that a successful munchkin nap ensues, after a little bit of playing and talking and wiggling. And can you believe how cute this girl looks in plaid? For most of us, there are just some colors and prints that don't work. For me, it's definitely red. And small prints. For Avery though, it's nothing. Every color works beautifully! I mean, we already know she looks adorable in pink, yellow and blue, even orange and red! Yesterday in fact, she wore this outfit:

She even looks great in kelly green, it's incredible!
(go RAMS)

I certainly wish I could pull off some of these colors as well. Next week I can show y'all how awesome she looks in a swimsuit, though it will be hard to pick which one to wear, seeing as she has five of them! I did get a little out of control in the swimsuit buying department this year, but you will understand when you see. I will end with a sweet photo from today after she took a happy one hour nap...she helped me take the picture. Have you noticed yet how well she cheeses for the camera?

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