Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Too Cute

...that's what lil'bub was the other day when we were playing in front of the mirror and she discovered what magical fun a box of tissues could become! I grabbed the fancy new camera that Bub the hub bought me for my birthday and started snapping away.

Lil'bub was completely mesmerized by the constantly reappearing tissues. Soon she was surrounded...and I was having waaaay too much fun watching her to care about the mess. She was sitting so straight and looked so pretty :)

The funniest part was that every so often, she would stuff one in her mouth (like, with gusto!), and it would stay there while she continued pulling more out...

And then, for whatever reason, she would release said tissue from mouth...

and find another (that looked yummy?) to cram back in! What a silly munchkin. She heard me laughing and started giggling too...

But then it was quickly back to business. I am trying my hand at blurry photo backgrounds, what do you think??

Have another?

all gone!!

what a cute tooshie!!!

Here is Avery's other favorite toy, her alphabet spinner. These photos are so clear!! I think I am going to like this camera.

On a totally different note, tomorrow lil'bub has to get an MRI. It's just a check-up to make sure everything looks ok, but I am pretty nervous to say the least. It's been more than a year since she has gotten one. And they have always been post-surgery in the past, when she was already under anesthesia. So this will be a little different. They will have to start an I.V. and put her under for awhile. Please send your good thoughts! Hopefully I will have some time to update after she comes out ok.

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