Suffice to say, it's going to take a few TEN posts to share all of the changes we made to the house. I have (three months later) organized my many before and after photos, but I think I am going to start small. Small, but totally one of my favorite things. The chimney.
THIS is how it looked when we first entered the house.
I know....whoa.
And no, this is not how the previous owners decorated their chimney. It was actually set up for an estate sale. Look at that teeny tiny mantle! And those windows totally covered! We couldn't have that.
Here is the chimney after we closed on the house, and the hub and I had worked
pretty hard/killed ourselves bringing up that awesome original parquet floor.
So then we added a layer or two of fresh paint. And new windows surrounding!
Can you believe what a difference it makes?
But we didn't stop there. Our guys prepped the brick.
THEN, we got STONED. ha
This is pre-grout, but doesn't it look wonderful?
That dinky brick mantle wouldn't work anymore.
We needed a big, beautiful mantle now!
Here is the carpenter creating it on the spot.
Add a little grout...
(and a pretty little model)
(and a pretty little model)
then add a little love, decor, and a nice fire doesn't hurt--
and Voila!
I'm still in love.
Especially with the lovely mantle.
So just to review,
Window decoration may come in the future, but for now I am enjoying all of the fabulous light, and the view into our big, new backyard! And just gazing dreamily at the new fireplace.
Next week I am revealing my other big fave: the kitchen!!!

LOVE this! Can you come help give us "vision" at our house? Currently we have no walls....