Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Lee at Two Months

Lee Michael is two months old!

He had his doctor check up right on his two month birthday. Still growing like crazy! Up to 10lb, 1.6oz and 22.5in. I was a little surprised to hear that this was only the 6th percentile of weight! His height was 26th percentile. I didn't realize he was such a tiny fellow.  

Once again, he thoroughly
enjoyed the exam table crinkly paper. He was not a fan of the shots, obvs, but got over it fast. He had a great checkup and I am thankful for his good health after all that business in the n.i.c.u.

He is consistently sleeping about 6 hours at night. Around 8/9pm-2/3am, and then will wake up anywhere from 5-7ish. Sometimes he co-sleeps in our bed in a "dock-a-tot" and sometimes he sleeps in a little inclined bed next to my side. Lately it's a lot more on the incline to help with his reflux. He still does not like to be swaddled but will sleep in a sleeveless sleep sack. If not in the sleep sack, he kicks all blankets off pretty quickly. We still rock him to sleep in our arms before putting him down.

We are starting to see lots of smiles and cooing. He seems to be focusing more too. He's very social, wiggly, and expressive.

He still loves to nap on us and I am still soaking it all up. He's so snuggly I can't even stand it.

Sometimes I will transfer him to sleep on the boppy pillow because I really have to get something done, and he likes that ok... but not as much as mommy or daddy :).

Likes this month include MILK (mommy or formula, he doesn't mind which), baths, tickles, standing up, ceiling fans, bright lights and going outside.

Dislikes this month are not being fed constantly (leads to hangry fussing), getting out of the bath, being changed, and reflux spit-up. And gas. This baby is muy GASSY.

Other things we know for sure: 

Boy looks good in an Aggie suit

And loves him some sister snuggles

The above photo reminds me that there has been one thing I didn't expect... this bub WILL NOT take a pacy. His sisters loved them. Mommy and Daddy thanked God for them. Lee Michael says no way, Jose. We even got him some cute wubbanub pacies like the above dinosaur. Nope. Spits them out immediately and makes a face like we must be nuts to put this thing in his mouth. Sigh. No worries, mommy will keep trying.


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