Sunday, January 15, 2012

Brag Update

Apparently my brag was not complete! Last week after my post, we finally got a new big girl highchair for Avery that we had been waiting on, and I had to share how somehow she aged from 3 to 12 when we put her in it. She gets to eat at the table with us like such a big girl!!

   this is MY chair                                        I'm pretty excited...

I get to sit at the table and eat with mommy & daddy! don't I look old suddenly?

 boy...this photo shoot sure if makin me thirsty.

did mommy mention how great I'm doing with my utensils?
oh good. just checkin

And not to be outdone, Avery's little sister began to purposely roll from back to stomach and get up on her elbows this week. This mommy is WAY proud. Madeline was pretty happy with herself as well. 

This bugaboo is FIVE months today!!!
 Can't wait to share what else she's been up to!
(hopefully before she turns six months :)


1 comment :

  1. Hi Cassie! I first want to say I have never posted comments on a blog of someone I don't personally know BUT I had to break my silence and say a "BIG THANK YOU to YOU and AVERY!" My little Allie Mae has a long story but the most important thing I can tell you is that when I recently thought Allie has progressed as far as she was going too EVER it was your blog, your strength and Avery's strength that helped me decide that I CAN NOT GIVE UP!! My Allie Mae still has a fighting chance to excel in so many things!! If this Mommy and little girl can keep going so can Allie and I!!! I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story and giving me back the hope I once had by bragging on Avery and her beautiful heart!! I pray for you and your family to continue thrive with the strength of God behind each of you!!!


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