Thursday, December 28, 2017

TBT April '17, Part 1

April was full of doctor's appointments, softball games and little sleep! Ah, new baby bliss.

Maddie had decided to give softball a try and she did great. Our new little bub now joined us for games and practices.

Avery had a number of doctor's appointments, but managed to stay cheerful through out. Her seizures had increased and were once again robbing her of sleep, so we worked on making a plan with the doctors to hopefully help her.

Baby bro was our new little sidekick at Avery's doctor appointments. I still couldn't drive so they became family events this month. Here he is super alert and inquisitive at the neurologist, and I even caught some smiles at a mere 25 days old!

I think out of all of my babies, he has been the most alert in the newborn stage. Bright eyes, ready to play. That's not to say that he didn't sleep A TON of that first month. You might imagine there was a lot of baby snuggling going on. You would be right.

Nana snugs

Momma snugs

Daddy snugs

Our new little love was growing well. We were all adjusting to "being a family of 5," which loosely translates into "it was defcon level insanity." But it all became one big blur of baby love. I mean, look at this precious ball of sweetness.


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