We had a really nice Halloween! Lots of pics to share... like my sweet pumpkin Avery
She had a fun party at school today while Maddie and Mommy visited Daddy at work! In costume, of course. This expression just kills me.
This afternoon it was time for some pumpkin decorating and Maddie was intrigued, but not so excited about the "insides" of the pumpkin....
You want me to touch what?
Like mother, like daughter! Thankfully we have a Bub the hub that will handle that business. And great at carving too.
Avery joined in the fun too
Maddie was super psyched about our finished products. The pure joy totally overwhelms me. I just love my littlest bub pumpkin.
Having said that, neither of my pumpkins are interested in taking posed photos for mommy right now. Avery could care less and Maddie refuses to even look toward the camera most of the time. I end up begging and jumping around like a crazy woman. Sigh. Bub the hub tried to take some for me today and here are the results.
Pretty awesome if I do say so myself.
And the best I could get of Princess Jasmine and Supergirl, drum roll...
We didn't do a lot of trick-or-treating but the girls still got some awesome goodies. Watching Maddie hand out treats to the kids at our house was definitely the highlight. I can't believe we didn't think to video it! She would run full speed at the door every time and yell trick or treat! and throw enormous amounts of candy into every kid's bag. She'd say "Hi, Elsa" or "Hi, Skeleton" and then, "Happy Halloween everybody" as they walked away. It was priceless.
My favorite by far was when a group of junior high girls were walking away and she told them, "say bye Jasmine" as in for them to say bye to her, and they all chimed in a big, "Bye, Jasmine!" just as she had asked. This girl is something else.
I can't believe it's all over, again. I love celebrating the holidays with my little family. Last year, Maddie only asked for about 5 months whether it was time for Halloween again. Can only wonder how long it will last this time!