Hallelujah and Amen! We finally have a new home. More of a house, I should probably say right now, but we are working really hard to make it into a home! Mike and I are completely and utterly exhausted, but we were able to get all the old flooring up and it's ready for new carpet and hardwood. Today, a few walls were knocked down and whole lot of landscaping took place, with the help of lots of professionals. I can't wait to share a bunch of before and afters. For now, here is the old hardwood (parquet) that were were dealing with:
Somewhere along our nineteen year journey, we began calling eachother "Bub," so naturally now we have little bubs, who we never stop talking about...
sweet little lady Avery
sweet 6 going on 16 Madeline
our sweet baby boy, Lee Michael
I'm a mom to a nine year old with very special needs, a six year old girl and a nine month old little boy! I've been married for twelve wonderful years to my high school sweetheart. We live in Texas, where I was raised. I love to travel and have lived in several other states, but Texas always drew me back! (maybe Bub the hub helped too) I love digital design, event planning, the beach, old movies, singing to my munchkins and decorating, not necessarily in that order. Life has gotten whole lot crazier since baby #3 so blogging has to take a back seat a lot of times, but I haven't given up yet! You can contact me at cassie(at)sugarbeedesigns.com
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