She's still doing great using her utensils. Of course, she doesn't want any help, so you gotta just let her go for it. Yogurt and apple sauce are her favorites to spoon. Maddie thinks the spoon is SO cool that she picks up solid foods and places them in the spoon and then into her mouth. More work but more fun I guess?

I think the biggest change since my last Maddie post has to be her talking. She's gone from lots of baby babble and saying a bunch of words, to talking in sentences and repeating every word we say! I lost track of all of her words so, so long ago. Every time someone walks in the door or the phone rings, they are greeted with an exuberant "HU-ROW!". We hear a lot of "juss" for juice, "ook" for book, "t" for t.v. and "pa" for ipad. My current favorites are when we do colors. She says "wed" for red, "bean" for green and my absolute favorite: "puh-ple" for purple. The cuteness will knock your socks off. Madeline loves to point at photos and tell you who is in them. She says "Nay-nee" for Avery, which I adore. Sometimes she will rattle off our whole family's names just for fun. "Mama-da-da-nay-nee-ma-deee-MELMO." That last one is actually Elmo, who I assume she just considers family at this point.
She also loves to say "ki-tty" and "ruffruff" for dog, and goes berserk if she sees either one in real life. At home, she has several kitty and doggie toys that she carries around all the time. The other day we bought her a little doll stroller at Target, and she's been pushing that around constantly with various friends inside. She really is such a good mommy! The other day I caught Maddie sharing a snack with her dolly. She put a puff right on dolly's mouth :). We also play a game where she puts dolly and other stuffed animals to "nigh-nigh." She puts a blanket on them and pats their head and gives them a kiss, while we sing a night-night song. Adorbs, yes?
Madeline's brand, brand new thing to do is walk in mommy's big girl shoes...and sometimes daddy's too. This is a somewhat difficult thing to do, so she takes tumbles pretty easily, but resolutely gets up and tries again. The stubborness astounds.

She continues to be such a sweet, sweet social butterfly who brings happiness to everyone she sees. Madeline waves to strangers in cars (who always wave and smile back!?) and usually has the big kids at the park following her around with smiles. All we can do is shake our heads and marvel at this little pumpkin. And love her to the ends of the world and back, ten times over!