mommy makes me sit for my monthly photo...
but I'd much rather be doing this!
It was finally time to weigh in at the pediatrician this month...and it was an appointment without any shots, so guess who was a happy girl?
We have seen the most changes and milestones BY FAR this past month. Guess which is the most exciting?? Did you guess? Yes, she is sleeping consistently through the night. Hurray! Down at 7pm and up anywhere from 5-7:30am. Works for me!
About halfway through the month, Maddie rediscovered the fun of standing up in her crib, so we had to release it down to the lowest rung. She also thinks it's necessary to stand up immediately after being put down for nap or big sleep and stand near the door to let us know she'd much rather be hanging out with us...we know sweet girl! But you need your sleep!!
More nine month facts:

<--She is a total bundle of energy and gets into even more things than before! She especially likes to play with anything that she is not allowed (touch screen remote, my computer, Avery's drink, paper...) and has a very mischievious grin when she gets ahold of any said things.

Still pulling up on everything and now walking from one piece of furniture to another. She is fearless! And did I mention waving? She is now waving at people, toys and basically everything she passes in her walker-->

Ditto in her froggy blanket. There's not much better than a freshly bathed Maddie Brynn, ready for bedtime.-->
Even though her mobility has given her so much independence, she can still be mommy's needy little baby sometimes...but who can resist when she wants to be held and cuddled!? I sure can't. Love you big girl!!