Here is my TEN MONTH OLD Baby Bub doing what she loves best right now...waving like a princess!!
Like last month, this precious girl is still blowing us away with all the new things she keeps picking up! Waving and pointing are both new favorites right now...and other ten month facts:

-It is totally amazing what this girl can chew with those two bottom teeth! There is also one top tooth playing a little peek-a-boo, but not here yet. She eats honey graham sticks, yogurt melts, and puffs in about two seconds now. And really still likes the banana and blueberry baby food that I make her, but her new favs are pieces of pancake and canteloupe.

A few tentative steps holding on to one finger lately though! Brave girl :)
<--Other (new) favorite: stair climbing. Oh yes, it has begun.

<--Still lots of fun to go visit daddy for lunch! Although she sure is getting to be a squirmy worm at restaurants... might not work for too much longer.

Thoroughly enjoys watching Elmo with her sister! Will sweetly sit (or lay) next to her. --->
Makes my heart smile.

-And last but not least, she makes a super precious ballerina, yes?
What a big month! Maddie, my sweet, you are a complete and utter JOY, and continue to bring so much love and laughter into our lives. What did we do before you? Mommy can no longer remember or imagine! xoxoxo