She has the very best baby smile in her mommy's opinion
getting so big :)
It's been a very eventful month-- she has hit seventeen pounds (no percentages this month though) and more importantly, sweet girl finally sprouted TWO teeth, yay!! Both bottom teeth have arrived in all of their drool-y glory. She's officially started gumming on biter biscuits, although she makes funny icky faces if we give her any other food thicker than pureed.
down on the floor, spotting something to play with...
like a flash across the room, hi lambie!

However one of her very favorite things to play with is her sister..whether or not her sister is willing to play haha. The other day I took my eyes off her for a sec and turned back around and she'd moved 5 feet in about 2 seconds and was sweetly cuddling with Avery's leg. Lovin on her sister! I love it. --->

Joy for bathtime continues as well, and we are still luvin the Puj tub that we use mostly in our kitchen sink, although she is getting awfully big for it now! -->

<--Continues to consider scooting on her knees, but mostly still army crawls
Immensely enjoys sticking her tongue out at her mommy and daddy -->

Is pulling up on everything, including legs (human and table), couches, her crib, and the stairs, which means baby proofing has
<--officially begun!

Big girl has started sitting well in restuarant highchairs and has lots of fun especially visiting with daddy on his lunch break :) -->
And last but not least, all this eight month old girl wants to do lately is hold on to our fingers and WALK! She is like the energizer bunny, and meanwhile we are exhausted and our backs ache...not like I would trade it for the world of course, it really is magical! I'm just surprised she's already so on the move. Very different for us...and you should hear the tantrum if you try to stop her!
Love this preciousness!! Can't wait to see whats next :)