is she sassy or WHAT? she gets that from me ha!
Maddie Brynn has come a long way since being this wee little thing, right?
Sadly, I have to report that she has not given up her one remaining night feeding. yet. I am willing it to happen though! Most of the past month, she has also stuck to her 3 naps a day schedule. Every now and then she is resisting that last nap though, so I think the end is near. And she goes to sleep at night a little earlier too, which is nice :).
A few new Maddie Brynn facts:

• L-O-V-E-S to swing at the park with her sister and fits well into the baby swing now

• We've actually found something she doesn't want to eat! She hated the chicken&gravy baby food and detested the one with beef. Loves the turkey though! And everything else! She still has two baby food meals a day and is much calmer about it, thank goodness
• Jumps and screams and has even more fun in her Jumparoo
• Still really likes to stand, and stomp when she's happy

• Babbling more and more!

• The constant drooling and spit-up situation has not impoved--- and still no teeth!
• Still very social and wants everyone to pay attention to her...loves it when people smile at her, and flashes a big grin right back
• Most especially wants her big sister to pay some attention. Avery now gives her hugs, kisses and pat-pats pretty much anytime Maddie "asks" for them-- as in, whenever she gets in her face-- it's awesome to watch. I don't know exactly how, but Avery totally understands she has to be gentle with her, and it brings tears to my eyes. <3