Baby Bub turned three months old last week and I can hardly believe how much she is changing before my eyes!
and for comparison-
precious girl, you are growing too fast! slow down!!
Madeline is now just over ten pounds and right above 21 inches long. She finally graduated to size one diapers, but still fits into most of her newborn clothes, which are not baggy at all anymore. Those little legs are definitely growing, no doubt about it! She continues a pretty consistent night time schedule where she is out by 9 or 10pm, wakes up once in the night, and then up anywhere from 5-7am. Weirdly, the clinical definition of sleeping through the night is 12-5am, and she is definitely not doing that yet, but hopefully once her tummy gets a little bigger we can give up a feeding.
This past month we took our sweet baby girl on her very first road trip, which was to Dallas for our annual State Fair trip. She slept all the way there and all the way back, which mommy did not expect, but appreciated greatly! While we were there, it was discovered that this little tyke has started ROLLING and already needs to be watched all the time!!
This month has also seen the development of Madeline's FULL face--brilliant--awesome--cannot help but return--SMILE. Exhibit A:

And even better, she has started "talking" a lot. Quite the conversationalist! She coos back and forth with everyone that catches her eye, and her little voice is so sweet I can barely stand it :)
This past month Madeline definitely began appreciating the car a lot less, and gets quite fussy at almost all stop lights>1 minute, which is exactly what her sister did at the same age. Something she is doing ions before her sister, however, is sitting like a champ in the bumbo! She likes watching the lights on t.v. while her sister watches Mickey Mouse.
She also still enjoys her swing, which is really nice in the mornings when I am trying to get her sister off to school. If she gets fussy, I tell her that it's all for a good cause: so mommy can return and we can have "Madeline time."
Although her milk protein sensitivity seems a lot better, we started having a great big spit up (and sometimes projectile) problem in the past month and did get some medicine for that, which might be working (I'm not entirely sure yet) but she has been keeping a little more down recently. Meanwhile, we are doing a TON more laundry.
For Halloween, Baby Bub was sweet enough to be a white rabbit for her sister's
Alice in Wonderland....
she wasn't 100% thrilled about it though.
Her sister made a beautiful Alice however!
and only because you all know how much I like comparisons,
look how my little princess has grown up through the Halloweens!
don't you think the biggest change was definitely this year??
all the sudden she's such a little girl, not a baby :)
Back to sweet Madeline, this month she also got to meet one of her soon
to be very closest baby friends, Ms. Skylar McKinney.
They are only about a month apart :)
Their older sisters are a little farther in age, but only by about 7 months.
Their first meeting looked a little different though!
2 month old Leila and 9 month old Avery--
these girls bond over their mutual love for shoes!!
I know I keep getting distracted! But back again to Madeline, she so far continues to be a very sweet sibling, which includes keeping her big sister company during therapy.
Little Madeline Brynn continues to bring us utter joy and we can't wait to see what she does next. And because obviously I haven't posted enough photos yet, here is one more.